Danielle Martin Moffett
Each year The Turning Point/MPUSH honors a mother of the year- this year we honor Danielle Martin Moffett
Danielle Martin Moffett is a recognized non-profit builder and leader, known for her humanitarian efforts through HOPE AND A FUTURE PROJECT
– a life enhancing and community enriching non-profit organization that has joined the fight in our communities to reduce poverty and cause families to reach higher through Education, Mentoring and Life Skills attainment for young moms and dads.
Danielle is Founder and Chief Executive Officer of ARISING MINISTRIES
– a visionary ministry leader committed to reaching, serving and speaking to tens of thousands of young people, seasoned adults and everyone in between. She works tirelessly in our communities, empowering thousands to transform their lives to reach their highest potential, making a generational impact.
She is living proof that through perseverance and faith we Gain, as long as we are willing to focus on the goal of winning and pressing forward toward the mark for which God has called us upward.
Danielle lives, plays and works in the Newark, Delaware area along-side her husband, Frank, her 4 children and grandson.