Igniting Hope In The Family!
Then said the Lord to me, You have seen well, for I am alert and active, watching over My word to perform it (Jer. 1:12- Amp.)
This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. I John 5:14
The purpose of the M.P.U.S.H. ministry is to teach and empower mothers how to offensively and defensively pray for their children, their neighbors’ children, children in the community, the nation and the world at large.
Teach biblical truths concerning the value of mothers in the body of Christ, and the significant role they play in impacting the lives of their children through a life of prayer.
It is the goal of M.P.U.S.H. to establish a sense of worth in mothers and empower them locally, nationally and internationally through the word of God to consistently pray for their children.
Core Values
Our Children
We believe that children are a blessing/gift on loan from God and that we are merely their caretakers. (Psalm 127:3-5; Genesis 3:5)
We believe that we are accountable to God to raise our children in the nurture and admonition of Him. (Ephesians 6:4)
We believe that God has a plan and purpose for all our children and that we should help them transition into their purpose/plan (Jeremiah 29:11)
Our Mothers
We believe that mothers are divinely selected by God and have within them everything that it requires to successful raise their children as intended by God
We believe that mothers as anyone else will fail from a Lack of knowledge of the principles of God’s word concerning their worth and their responsibilities.
Statement of Faith
Our ministry accepts the Scriptures as the revealed will of God.
We believe that all scripture is the inspired word of God
We believe that the Bible is without error, and is the authoritative Word of God.
We believe in the triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
We believe that salvation has been provided through Jesus Christ to men and that there is no other name given among men whereby you must be saved except the name of Jesus
We believe that healing is available through the redemptive work of Christ on the cross and that it is available to every believer
We believe that water baptism is symbolic of the believer’s identification with Christ’s death, burial and resurrection
Please email me at mpush810@gmail.com