I hope that this last week was a very productive one for all of you and that these weekly postings have been helpful and showing you a new perspective on how we pray and use our authority that God has given to us. How are those saved children of yours? Please remember to thank God daily for their salvation. I should have warned you, do not be surprised if after you prayed for your unsaved children’s salvation, the devil starts to create havoc in their lives and things start to look worse than better. Hold on, things look worse before it gets better- do not give up!!
What are we really asking for? The word grace comes from the Greek word Charis (kha’-ece) which means graciousness, that which affords joy, pleasure, delight, sweetness, charm, favor and loveliness.
“But grow in grace” In other words increase in favor, graciousness and in your knowing of our Lord and Savior. Growth can only happen if the environment is right. A seed will grow if we put it in the soil, water it and give it plant food. Growth will have no choice but to happen when the environment is right.
2 Peter 1:2: Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord,
Grace and the knowledge of Christ puts us on guard and keeps us steadfast (2 Peter 3:17)You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, be on your guard so that you are not carried away by the error of unprincipled men and fall from your own steadfastness,(NASB) .
The more that our children get to really know God, and not just about Him, the more Grace and peace will be multiplied and the less likely they are to make mistakes, to doubt Him, and to lean to their own understanding or the understanding of others. Grace and Knowledge of Christ will bring them comfort, and peace in the midst of any turmoil that they face. It will also keep their Hope alive in their future with Christ.
So as we pray please encourage them to read their bibles and to pray to God for themselves. If they do not have a bible give them one as a gift, a simple study bible would be great. If they are still living at home, build in a time for bible study, start out weekly and then gradually increase. Please remember things do not happen in a vacuum, yes we will pray, but remember change comes from hearing the word.