In Ezekiel 37 we read the account of the valley of dry bones. In this story Ezekiel reported that the Lord placed him in the middle of the valley of dry bones and then asked him the question “son of man, can these dry bones live?” As I think about this passage I can imagine how confused Ezekiel may have been to be asked such a question of a person who should know the answer. Ezekiel as many of us would, replied “Oh Lord God thou knowest” Good answer, however I am not sure that Ezekiel expected to hear what the Lord told him next and this was Ezekiel 37: 4 – Again he said unto me, Prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the LORD.
However Ezekiel was given a command “prophesy” to them. Ezekiel did not argue with God as foolish as this request may have been, instead Ezekiel did as he was commanded and prophesied to the dry bones and in the end we see where the bones came together finding there adjoining parts, sinews, flesh, skin, then covered the bones and the wind came and blew breathe into them and they lived.
I love this story not just for the imagery, but this is a classic account of resurrection from death to life. These dry bones depict such a sense of bareness and complete emptiness it is just difficult to imagine that their situation could be changed. Although the Lord was using this story to show the deplorable state of Israel, I cannot help but apply it to some of us in this 21st century.
Some of us are still wrestling with our valley of dry bones. These may be our children, jobs, finances, or our relationships. It may be a dry bone from our past as far back as our childhood or even the dry bone of our spiritual lives. You look around at these dry bones and you feel despair, you see emptiness, desolation and hopelessness. Can these bones live?You have tried everything seemingly possible but there seems to be little or no change. Can these bones live? Here is your answer:PROPHESY to those bones. Prophesy life to your situation, tell your children they are children of God that walk in obedience. Tell your job situation that your father owns the cattle on a thousand hills and He cares for you more that the lilies of the field. Tell your finances that you are a lender not a borrower; tell these relationships that you are a leader not a follower. Tell your past it can no longer keep you bound, for there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. Tell your spirit arise and praise the Lord, command your mind to think on things that are lovely, pure and of good report. Stand in faith and watch things start to fall in place. As a matter of fact, I can already hear a rustling in the valley, can you?
In His Service,