Today I would like to talk about Forgiveness. The intent here is not to exhaust the subject, but to serve as a reminder to us how important it is to forgive each other. Forgiveness is a topic that we sometimes do not want to discuss especially when we may the ones needing to exercise forgiveness. However as Christians we are required to forgive those who have wronged us, not just once but as many times as they may wrong us. Forgiveness is not words only but it is a heart thing.
What happens when we do not forgive?
Un-forgiveness is a direct disobedience to what God requires of us and fractures our relationship with Him. We essentially fall short of becoming children of the Highest.
Un-forgiveness if allowed to linger can eventually become roots of bitterness that have the ability to choke us spiritually. Hebrews 12:15– Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble [you], and thereby many be defiled;
Un-forgiveness causes us to lose real joy, peace and rest.
The opposite happens in our life when we forgive? We are being obedient to what God requires, we are forgiven by God when we need forgiveness and we experience real joy peace and rest. Forgiveness is not something that may come readily for most of us; however we need to strive to walk in it as Christians. The more we forgive those who wrong us the easier it becomes. As we enter 2013, search your heart to see who you may be holding as hostage to forgiveness. Is it your children’s father, or is it your child? Is it your parent, a school teacher, an old boyfriend, your neighbor, your pastor, your in-law? Whoever it is and regardless of how bad the wrong was “Let it go”! As you think about who may have wronged you also think about whom you may have wronged knowingly or unknowingly and do the right thing.
As we read the promises that God has for us and our children, do not forget that we also have a responsibility in making these promises come into existence. One key responsibility is our obedience to God. Isaiah 1:19–If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land. The benefits of forgiveness far outweighs our ego and pride, so as hard as it may be, let is choose today to walk in forgiveness.
In His Service,