Prayer for MEEKNESS – fruit of the Spirit

For today’s post we will continue to look at the fruit of the Spirit. Galatians 5: 22-23: But the fruit of the Spirit is ……..MEEKNESS, temperance: against such there is no law.

MEEKNESS is a fruit of the Spirit that tends to be quite misunderstood by many.

What is Meeknes? According to the strong’s concordance the Greek word for Meekness is Praotes which means gentleness or humility. A furthur look at Humility denotes a lowliness of mind, an inwrought  grace of the soul that allows one to think of himself no more highly than he ought to think (New Ungers Bible Dictionary). The word gentleness, expresses a spirit of willingness and obedience and a lack of resistence to God’s dealings with us (New Ungers Bible Dictionary).

Most people associate meekness with weakness,and tend not to admire people who are meek. I prefer to agree with those who describe meekness as strength under control.

Meekness is a very important characteristics for christians.  Jesus addresses the issue of meekness in his teachings of the sermon on the Mount known as the Beatitudes. He said “Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth”  So in order for us to inherit the earth that Christ has placed us in we need to have an attitude of meekness. The bible gives us examples of people who were meek,Jesus Christ was our greatest example, and at no time could he be mistaken as weak. At all times He had His strenth under control. Moses was another example of a person who was Meek, He delivered the Children of Israel out of Egypt and through the wilderness millions of complaining people, there was nothing weak about him.  Numbers 12: 3 (Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth.)  
   Having an attitude of meekness, is saying that we are dependent on someone other than ourselves and we do not get upset about things as we have the confidence that God is working things out on our behalf. In today’s society it would seem like agression is the way to go, bulldozing our way through people to get what we want, being loud and argumentative. Unfortunately as christians we cannot go with the world’standard.
Is it easy to be humble, and to think of others more highly than ourselves, to express a spirit of willingness and obedience and a lack of resistence to God’s  dealings- No but it is doable, why? God does not ask us to do what is impossible, that is His Job.

So here is our prayer for our Children: Father I thank you for my Children. I thank you that you want the best for them at all times. Father I thank you that you are the greatest example for us to follow, and that there is no temptation common to man for which you have not given us a way of escape. I pray that the spirit of Meekness will be manifested in my children. Help them to realize that by being meek they are showiing their confidence and dependence on you. As I pray for their meekness, help me as their mother to also be an example of meekness before them, In Jesus’s name Amen.

In His Service,

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